These programmes are open to families living in the Sláintecare Healthy Communities areas of Knocknaheeny, Gurranabraher, Churchfield, Farranree, Farranferris, Fairhill, Blackpool, Mayfield and The Glen.
- Parents Plus Early Year’s Programme – for parents/caregivers of children aged 0-6 years – will be starting on Wednesday 13th of September at 10am – 12:30pm in Blackpool Library, Redforge Road, T23 AP11.
- Parents Plus Children’s Programme – for parents/caregivers of children aged 6-11 years – will be starting on Friday 6th of October at 10am – 12:30pm in Newbury House Family Centre, Old Youghal road, Mayfield, T23C3FW.
We have limited spaces remaining and are continuing to accept referrals/sign-ups.
Parents Plus Parenting Programmes are parent only groups and run over 8 weeks.
This group aims to empower parents/caregivers in supporting children’s behaviours and emotions, building children’s confidence and self-esteem, building language, establishing positive daily routines as well as reducing their own stress as parents.
Find attached Early Years’ & Children’s Programmes Posters and Parents Plus sign-up form – please note this form must be signed by the parent/caregiver attending in order to be processed.
You can download the posters here:
ParentsPlus Early Years Programme poster
ParentsPlus Children’s Programme poster