
All Young Knocknaheeny activities continue as normal at present. Participants attending groups, home visits, meetings etc. are advised to follow the HSE guidelines in relation to hand washing, social distancing, coughing and sneezing. If you or your child have any of the symptoms or if you have been in contact with someone who may have … Read more

Born and Raised into Homelessness, Overcrowding and Substandard Housing

Almost 50% of families in Cork child and parent programme report housing-related problems Homelessness, housing insecurity, and substandard housing has major impact on families and child development A new report on homelessness, overcrowding and substandard housing in Cork city has identified housing problems to be adding to poor child development outcomes. The report by the … Read more

Including Children’s Voices produces Better Policy and Better Services

Young Knocknaheeny Area Based Childhood Programme (YKABC) launches its most recent publication: Circle Time, Selfies, Friends and Food: Researching Children’s Voices in Early Years Settings in the Young Knocknaheeny ABC Programme. Publication available for download: Circle-time, Selfies, Friends and Food: Researching Children’s Voices in EarlyYears Settings in the Young Knocknaheeny ABC Programme Led by Dr … Read more